She Just Keeps Growing

She Just Keeps Growing

Posted 08-02-23 

(Above: My mother Eva and me)

Urgent text from Eva: “Could we please check out the Assisted Living options?”

Me: “Seriously?”

Eva: “Yep.” 

And, just like that we’re into a new phase. My mom and me.  

Coming up on 93, Eva’s fit as can be. She’s lived in her own place on her own terms since Dad died, 23 years ago this month.

And, now she wants to explore assisted living?  

A bit of a shock, but okay.  I’m in.

Had I deluded myself that Mom would remain forever independent? Taking care business.  Helping others take care of their business.  Why, yes.  I suppose I had.  

Eva lives a mere 5 minutes away. We hang out, eat in, play games, do health care visits and grocery shop together.  We conspire via text several times a day.   We plan family events and take trips together. We are in cahoots.  Always up to something.  Scheming.  Solving problems, real or imagined. 

Mom still cleans her own home. She travels by air couple of times a year to hang out with east coast family.  She keeps up with the grands and greats personally, on Facebook, Facetime, Zooms, and Chats.  

The grands and greats are her tech mentors.  She always has some new skill to master.  How to save photos to the cloud. How to clear out storage space on her devices. They teach. She learns.  And, she just keeps growing.  

Eva has owned several i-phones, i-pads, computers, and smart TVs over the years.  She has the latest tools and, you better believe she knows how to use them. She may be the only person I know who loves hanging out at AT&T. 

Mom maintains a spreadsheet with birthdays, anniversaries, and other facts. She never misses a chance to make someone feel special with a card or a call on the precise date. She has faithfully kept a “just the facts” diary on her computer for decades.  If we wonder when, how or if this or that happened, she searches and, boom. She verifies or clarifies. You could argue with my mother, but you would be wrong.  Every single time.  

Mom recently welcomed her 16th great grandchild into the world.  She was loving on that sweet baby girl the very next day.  Eva loves learning and growing with her Greats as much as they love growing with her.  

Eva spends 30 minutes daily on her stationary bike listening to an audio book whilst peddling.    She faithfully completes her stretch routine and maintains a healthy diet.  There’s cross word puzzles and word finds. For brain fitness, you know.  She systematically sorts and organizes family photos and records to pass down.   

Mom attends Sunday School and Church via Zoom.  And heaven help the preacher when the Zoom becomes unfocused or muted.

What does Eva do to relax?  Well, she reviews land descriptions in the local newspaper, of course. A cracker jack abstractor, Eva was respected…nay..feared.. by land title attorneys throughout east central Missouri during her career.   Why?  Because, she was never wrong. Ever.  She detected legal errors in property titles before deals were closed.   Title attorneys took her advice or paid the price. 

Exploring assisted living facilities with my mom has been interesting, to say the least. We are not entirely sure if Eva qualifies for such a facility given her better than average capacities 

Irrelevant and regardless, we are exploring her options.  On one such fact-finding mission, she had three questions for the eager young facility manager.  

  1. How does the chef prepare the oatmeal?
  2. Can she please fold her own clothes?  She prefers to do her own laundry, as well. 
  3. And, most importantly…how fast is the internet?  She must have high speed service for her devices.  

“Well, nobody has ever asked these questions,” we hear.  

“Better find out,” Eva replies. 

One thing for sure.  Whether Eva continues to go it on her own or decides to make a move, Mom Will Just Keep Growing.  I love her for that.  We all do.  

My nephew calls us the Golden Girls.

Mom being Sophia, who always gets the last word and the best lines.  Me being Dorothy. My lines are pretty great too….especially my bloodline. 

Thanks, Mom.  Let’s Just Keep Growing…Together.  
